See example below for demonstration.
For more examples and documentation please visit dedicated jQuery DataTables AlphabetSearch page.
See example below for demonstration.
For more examples and documentation please visit dedicated jQuery DataTables AlphabetSearch page.
I also think i found a bug:
See here :
the first record displayed starts with # and is properly showing in “All”.
BUT when you select to show the records included in the “#” (before “A”), this particular record is not shown.
Any ideas?
# button only shows records that start with a digit 0-9. Therefore records that start with ‘#’ will only by shown when “All” is selected.
Is there any way to configure it so these will be also displayed?
No, I would have to update the plug-in to support additional button for non-alphanumeric entries.
can you pleasgive me some hint on how to modify it, to do it myself cos it’s essential for me?
For example which function to edit?
Thank you
cant we change desgin
You can use your own design by replacing
. See this example demonstrating how to style the control for Bootstrap 3 framework.Dear Michael,
my alphabet search on a datatable was working perfectly, but all of a sudden it stopped working and a JS error pops up:
api.alphabetSearch is undefined
When i remove alphabet search for this table , DataTables start working again fine.
Do you have any idea of what started going wrong?
See for yourself :
Thank you.
i would like to ask if there is any way that the plugin works with server side processing.
Thank you
hi i want to impliment it with mvc with sql server database and ajax. can please help me out?
This is great, thanks for the example!
Hello can you help me to insert this plugin in my blogspot site?
Im a musitina so just know how to copy codes![🙂](
Hi Toze! I looked at your site but I don’t see a page with data that this plug-in can handle. What page do you want to have this plug-in on and what information are you going to display?
I didnt insert it cause I dont know where to start![🙂](
Normal there is a part of the code that goes before ]]></b:skin>
Sometimes other code goes after <head>
And then there is other code that user insert on page blogspot.
Please help.
Sorry, I couldn’t understand what exactly you’re trying to achieve. Please explain. Thanks!
Michael thanks for replying.
1 – In my blog I have a lot of posts with song lyrics.
2 – I would like to have a Page with this menu. Showing one of categories ” Lyrics”. So you can navegate trought diferent posts to get access to all song lyrics.
3- I dont know how to insert this script on Blospot sites. My blog template is “Emporio – Porcelan”
Thanks for help.
Hello Michael,
Thanks for the resource. I have a question, was there a way to start the alphabetical search with A instead of all by default? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Please see this example for code and demonstration.
the code is good but how can i assemble those pieces of codes so as i can search alphabetically
Can you please explain the desired behavior?
Your library is awesome!
Btw can you add another function to paginate by alphabetically?
Hello, Michael
How you goin’?
I am trying to implement your library but for some reason bootstrap design and responsive not working =/
Could you take a look in my page please?