
jQuery DataTables: Column reordering and resizing

Past version of jQuery DataTables had column reordering plug-in ColReorderWithResize that also provided the ability to resize columns by clicking and dragging the point between two columns. However this plug-in was not compatible with the latest version of jQuery DataTables.

Luckily Jeff Walter updated ColReorderWithResize to make column reordering and resizing work with jQuery DataTables 1.10 and released it under MIT license.

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How to hide [Gmail] folder in Mozilla Thunderbird using IMAP

I am using Mozilla Thunderbird as my desktop email client. Recently I switched my email provider from Rackspace to Gmail. When I finished setting up Thunderbird all folders such as Drafts and Sent mail appeared as sub-folders under [Gmail] folder when using IMAP protocol. Instead I wanted simple single-level structure and luckily there is a solution for that.

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