MooTools and Internet Explorer: Object does not support this property or method

There are times when you get “Object does not support this property or method” error when testing scripts using MooTools under Internet Explorer 7 or 8. The most common reason is that MooTools doesn’t extend its methods to elements automatically in Internet Explorer. Also there are other less known causes for this error which are documented below as well.

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Compressed Nifty Corners

Recently I was experimenting with different techniques and libraries that implement rounded corners with no images. Nifty Corners Cube by Alessandro Fulciniti was among them.

I liked the fact that the library detected background color and padding of the target element. This allows the technique to degrade gracefully if JavaScript is disabled.

I usually compress the libraries I use with JavaScript packer written by Dean Edwards and Rob Seiler. However niftycube.js had to be corrected before since there is a semicolon missing on line 24.

return(this.indexOf(what)>=0 ? true : false);
}; // Missing semicolon

Download Nifty Corners Cube (compressed), 4.66 KB.