jQuery DataTables displays a message when there is Ajax error or invalid JSON response. However most of the time you will only see a JavaScript error in your browser console if something is wrong. I have compiled a list of the most common JavaScript errors appearing in the console, their cause and possible solutions.
jQuery DataTables: Custom control does not work on second page and after
This is a typical problem for users just starting to use jQuery DataTables. It is caused by how it handles the table data.
jQuery DataTables: “Load more” button
According to some usability studies “Load more” button is superior to pagination or infinite scrolling when it comes to displaying multiple records on one page. It is simple to use and allows user to compare records more easily because new records are added to the list.
jQuery DataTables: Using WHERE, JOIN and GROUP BY with ssp.class.php
jQuery DataTables distribution comes with server_processing.php script and ssp.class.php class that add support for server-side processing and better performance for datasets with more that 10,000 records. However these files need to be tweaked if your query contains WHERE
jQuery DataTables: Search input with autocomplete using Typeahead and Bootstrap
In the examples below I will demonstrate how to add autocomplete functionality to search input box for jQuery DataTables using typeahead.js library adapted for Bootstrap 3.
jQuery DataTables: How to submit all pages form data
If you are displaying a form in a table powered by jQuery DataTables library, you probably know it is a challenge to submit form data from all pages, not just current page. In fact this is one of the most frequently asked questions on Stack Overflow and that is why I am going to address it today.
jQuery DataTables: Row grouping and checkboxes
While answering questions on StackOverflow I found this interesting question asking on how to use row grouping with checkboxes. I recently wrote an article about unofficial RowsGroup plugin and became curious whether it will work correctly with our Checkboxes plugin.
jQuery DataTables: Save and restore table state using unique URL
Imagine you have filtered and sorted your data table in a certain way and want to share a link to that particular state of the table. There are some additional plug-ins that solve that problem.
Laravel DataTables and sortable DateTime/Carbon objects
Laravel DataTables adds server-side processing capabilities for a table powered by jQuery DataTables to a Laravel application. There is official site with detailed documentation and good examples. However I couldn’t find an example of using orthogonal data for sortable and searchable fields containing timestamps.
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